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Avoid These 12 Website Mistakes For Seo Success

Avoid These 12 Website Mistakes for SEO Success

  • 02 Apr, 2024
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You likely felt enthusiastic when initially delving into the world of SEO. You dedicated considerable time and effort to crafting your strategy, but the initial excitement was short-lived.


You likely felt enthusiastic when initially delving into the world of SEO. You dedicated considerable time and effort to crafting your strategy, but the initial excitement was short-lived.

In the early stages, you diligently checked your rankings every day, only to find no discernible changes. Each day brought the same outcome, leading to a sense of frustration. It feels like the time and money invested have gone to waste.

This situation prompts questions about what went awry. Why does SEO seem effective for others but not for you? What missteps were made?

You're not alone in pondering these uncertainties. The term "negative SEO" is gaining popularity, adding to the complexity of the situation.

Negative SEO indeed represents the darker side of SEO, where backlinks and keywords can undermine rather than enhance your SEO efforts.

It's disheartening to invest time and money only to see avoidable mistakes hinder your progress.

In some cases, the lack of success in your SEO strategy may stem from unconscious and unintentional self-sabotage.

To help you navigate this potential minefield, here are 12 website mistakes that must be avoided at all costs:

Mistake #1: Choosing the Wrong Keywords

A significant SEO misstep is selecting inappropriate keywords for your website. While you may believe this can be avoided by understanding your target audience and their Google search queries, the nuances of keywords can still lead to mistakes.

Even when targeting the right audience, using keywords with subtle differences in meaning can result in conveying the wrong message. For example, users searching for "shoes for sale" and those searching for "buy shoes now" may have distinct intentions and preferences.

Your task is to decipher the user's intent. Do they want to browse shoes, or are they ready to make a purchase? Utilizing tools like Ahrefs for comprehensive keyword research can enhance your ability to choose the most fitting keywords for your SEO strategy.

If you want to check a keyword, you can follow this process:

Find a keyword, check the keyword, find out if it's popular, and then check again .

Regular monitoring ensures that you avoid investing time and money in inappropriate keywords.

The efficacy of your SEO strategy hinges on the precision of your selected keywords. Once you've identified the correct keywords and discerned the user's intent, consider incorporating additional LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords into your websites and blog posts to expedite your ranking improvement.

LSI keywords are suggestions displayed at the bottom of Google's results page, and integrating them strategically can further enhance your SEO performance.

With the right keywords and LSI keywords, you can avoid many mistakes and are guaranteed to address the right target group.

Mistake #2: Excessive Use of Keywords (Keyword Stuffing)

While keywords are crucial for reaching the right target audience and attracting the ideal customer, a common pitfall is keyword stuffing.

Keyword stuffing occurs when keywords are misused by being excessively placed within the content, compromising the overall quality of the material.

For instance:

Here it becomes even clearer :

The intrusive nature of excessive keywords not only disrupts the natural flow of reading and diminishes the quality of content but also adversely affects the website's ranking.

Engaging in keyword stuffing can lead to penalties from Google, making it imperative to steer clear of this strategy at all costs. It's prudent to exercise restraint when incorporating keywords into your content.

Mistake #3: Not caring about meta descriptions and title tags

It's a common misconception that simply incorporating good keywords on your website will swiftly propel it to the top of search results. In reality, SEO is a labor-intensive process, and a successful SEO strategy requires considerable time to yield initial results.

Two crucial factors influencing the effectiveness of your SEO strategy are the meta description and title tags for each page. Optimizing these elements is vital for ensuring that your pages appear in search results for the right keywords.

But what exactly are title tags and meta descriptions, and how can you optimize them to achieve better rankings and increase your page authority?

A title tag, as seen on the Google results page, looks like:

While using keywords is encouraged, it should be done judiciously to maintain high-quality content and avoid the pitfalls associated with overuse. Meta description is also important.

Both elements, title tags and meta descriptions, carry significant importance for distinct reasons.

Primarily, they offer an immediate indication to the searching user about the page's content, aiming to persuade them to click. The language used in these elements directly impacts your click-through rate, influencing how many users ultimately visit your website. This, in turn, plays a crucial role in determining your ranking.

Google's crawlers analyze title tags and meta descriptions to identify keywords that signal the content of each page. The search engine then uses this information to decide the page's placement in search results.

If you neglect to optimize your title tags and meta descriptions by incorporating the right keywords to entice users to click on your result, your website may not be presented to the appropriate audience, resulting in a detrimental impact on your overall SEO strategy.

Mistake #4: You put irrelevant internal links

You're likely aware of the significant importance of link building. Elevating your page and domain authority is achievable through strategic implementation of internal links, backlinks, and outbound links. However, adhering to specific guidelines is crucial.

Before delving into effective link-building practices, it's essential to highlight elements that could detrimentally impact your SEO strategy. Unnecessary or irrelevant links have the potential to harm your ranking. While aiming to decrease your bounce rate and incorporate more internal links, it's crucial to strike a balance, ensuring that your content maintains a natural flow rather than resembling a cluttered Wikipedia page.

Irrelevant or unrelated links, particularly those disconnected from the content of the page, can detrimentally impact your ranking. It's imperative that the anchor text used aligns with the content of the linked page.

Consider these examples of effective anchor text choices:

For the first link, if it directs to a page discussing the importance of SEO, it is considered relevant. If not, the link is deemed irrelevant and can negatively impact your page authority.

While you have the liberty to incorporate internal links, it is imperative that they seamlessly align with the content of the page. Moreover, it's crucial not to overpopulate your content with too many links. Quality should always take precedence, and ensuring the relevance of each link is paramount for an effective link-building strategy.

Mistake #5: Slow Website Loading Speed

It's likely you're aware that a sluggish website adversely affects domain authority. Slow loading times can result in a significant number of visitors abandoning the site, and Google considers loading times as a factor in determining search results.

The impact of even a few milliseconds on ranking is evident in this test.

Determining how fast a website loads is essential, especially considering the negative impact that extended loading times can have on SEO.

Thankfully, assessing your website's loading speed is straightforward with tools like GTmetrix.

This platform simplifies the process of evaluating your website's performance and provides valuable insights into loading times and other relevant metrics. Utilizing tools such as GTmetrix allows you to pinpoint areas that may need improvement, enabling you to optimize your website for better SEO outcomes.



Enter your website URL.


Then click on “Analyze”.

Now you see the results page.


Absolutely, the speed of your website is a critical factor. While a website can't be too fast, it can certainly be too slow. Frustration with slow-loading websites is a common experience, and it's safe to say that both you and your customers find it annoying.

When visitors encounter prolonged loading times, it significantly increases the likelihood of them leaving the website, which, in turn, has a detrimental impact on your ranking. Ensuring a swift and efficient user experience is vital for maintaining visitor engagement and bolstering your website's SEO performance.

Mistake #6: Neglecting Results Evaluation

It's a common tendency to overlook results when they fall short of expectations, and conversely, to delve into key figures when the outcomes are positive. However, this approach is fundamentally flawed.

When your SEO strategy is yielding favorable results, it's crucial not to let metrics and analytics reports take a back seat. Instead, consider investing more time and resources in sustaining the successful strategy.

Conversely, when the strategy isn't delivering the desired outcomes, a meticulous examination of your numbers becomes imperative. Google Analytics is a valuable tool that allows you to measure and assess the behavior of your website visitors, offering valuable insights for optimizing your SEO strategy.

But which metrics are important?

Here is a quick overview of the most important SEO metrics:

When delving into data analysis, it's crucial to pose the following questions:

  • How many visitors are abandoning the website?
  • What is the ranking for my primary keyword?
  • Which keywords are generating the most traffic, leads, and customers?

However, the ultimate and most pivotal question to answer is: How can I leverage the insights gained to optimize my SEO strategy?

Effectively answering this question requires a comprehensive evaluation of your results, as it unveils the actionable steps needed to refine and enhance your overall SEO strategy.

Mistake #7: Compromising on Content Quality

The ongoing debate between quantity and quality has been a longstanding one, with some advocating for the importance of quantity, while others emphasize the significance of quality. In reality, both factors hold substantial importance.

In my view, the quantity versus quality debate is nuanced, and here's a brief elaboration.

Publishing a few high-quality articles won't negatively impact your ranking. While your website might not ascend in rankings as rapidly, you can have confidence in the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Conversely, if you aim to publish an extensive quantity of articles, but this compromises the quality of your content, it could potentially harm your ranking. If your content is spammy or of low quality, your ranking may see an increase, but your reputation will suffer.

Finding a delicate balance between quantity and quality is crucial for a successful and sustainable SEO strategy.

Ask yourself this question: How many articles can I write without the quality of my articles suffering?

That is your new goal.

Mistake #8: Neglecting Optimization of Subheadings

Optimizing the subheadings of an article is crucial when aiming for visibility in Google search results. Google analyzes the headings and subheadings of web page content to ascertain the article's topic. Therefore, subheadings should always be pertinent to the overall theme and heading of the article.

A noteworthy example of effectively optimized subheadings can be observed in this article. Similarly, the subheadings in a GetResponse article about enhancing email open rates serve as a commendable illustration of this practice.

It's a common oversight for individuals to either neglect the use of subheadings altogether or to employ subheadings that lack specificity to harness the benefits of on-page SEO.

It's crucial to bear in mind that Google actively crawls your content to determine its placement in search results. Both your headings and subheadings play a significant role in this evaluation process. Therefore, ensuring that your subheadings are not only present but also specific and relevant is paramount for effective on-page SEO.

Mistake #9: Opting for a Cheap and Unreliable Hosting Provider

Choosing a hosting provider solely based on cost-saving considerations is a mistake many make, presuming that the location of website hosting isn't a critical factor. However, it's not that straightforward.

Opting for a budget hosting provider can adversely impact your domain authority, and the reason lies in the significance of the IP address.

Consider two IP addresses:


The initial numbers in the two IP addresses are the same, indicating a connection between the websites. Google is known to aggregate both websites, with the domain authority of one influencing the other.

This becomes a concern if you have the ability to choose the websites you want to be associated with. For instance, the IP addresses for Disney and ABC are:



Yet, with a budget hosting provider, it's common for hundreds or even thousands of websites to share the same IP address. In such instances, these unrelated websites can impact your ranking.

To mitigate this issue, it's advisable to invest a bit more in a reliable hosting provider or consider hosting your website privately.

This ensures a more controlled and independent hosting environment, minimizing the potential negative effects on your ranking from unrelated sites sharing the same IP address.

Mistake #10: Neglecting Alt Tags for Images

It's a common oversight for many companies to disregard the importance of optimizing images, forgetting that Google conducts image searches.

When users perform image searches, your website can only be discovered if the images are optimized for this purpose. If not, they won't appear in the search results.

The solution is straightforward – provide each image on your website with an alt text and a file title. This simple step ensures that your images are more likely to appear in search results, enhancing the visibility and discoverability of your website.

Completing these fields effectively communicates to Google what the image represents. By entering relevant keywords, you enable Google to assess the image's relevance, influencing its ranking and determining who benefits from it.

Moreover, if a user discovers one of your images and decides to use it on their own website, they may choose to provide a link back to your website as the source. This simple action can lead to the acquisition of a new backlink with minimal effort on your part.

Mistake #11: Ignoring Broken Links

For those who regularly publish articles on their blog, broken links are an inevitability as websites evolve and content changes. If a linked website removes or alters its content without notifying you, your link may lead to a 404 error page.

This can pose a problem as Google may interpret it as a lack of maintenance or updates on your website, which is not favorable. To address this issue, it's essential to routinely replace, repair, or remove broken links.

For WordPress users, installing plugins like Broken Link Checker can assist in identifying and managing broken links efficiently.

How you choose to check and update your links is at your discretion, but it's crucial to promptly repair broken links to prevent any adverse effects on your SEO strategy.

Mistake #12: Publishing Insufficiently Long Articles

While writing short articles may be more convenient due to the time factor, it's important to note that such articles typically do not rank as well in search results. Research indicates a correlation between article length and ranking, suggesting that longer articles tend to perform better in search engine rankings.


Even articles that rank 20th in search results are around 850 words, while those ranking higher are at least 1,150 words long. This suggests that writing longer articles is beneficial, even if it requires more effort, as demonstrated in the graphic above.

Determining the appropriate length involves considering how long the article can be without compromising its quality. It's essential for the article to be both long and detailed while maintaining high quality; otherwise, your SEO strategy may be adversely affected.


Certainly, you may wish SEO was a simpler task. It might be tempting to think that after building a website, selecting a few keywords, you could just sit back and watch passive traffic increase.

However, the reality is that SEO demands significant effort and is prone to mistakes, which, if not corrected, can harm your SEO strategy. Key considerations include finding the right keywords, avoiding keyword stuffing, optimizing meta descriptions and title tags, and refraining from setting irrelevant internal links.

Furthermore, it's essential to ensure your website isn't too slow, regularly evaluate your results, and consistently deliver high-quality content. Don't forget to optimize your headings and subheadings, and be mindful not to cut corners on web hosting.

While there are additional potential pitfalls, the ones highlighted here are among the most critical. Correcting these errors should contribute significantly to improving your website's ranking.

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