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8 Blog Traffic Strategies That Outperform the Competition

  • 21 Mar, 2024
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Some blogging tactics are truly advantageous.
And that's perfectly acceptable.
Every blogger aspires to generate substantial traffic, yet many invest excessive effort. Acquiring more visitors can be straightforward, almost to the point of being deemed unfair.


Some blogging tactics are truly advantageous.
And that's perfectly acceptable.
Every blogger aspires to generate substantial traffic, yet many invest excessive effort. Acquiring more visitors can be straightforward, almost to the point of being deemed unfair.
If your blog is struggling with low traffic, fret not. There's no need for exhaustive efforts to boost your traffic.
In the realm of blogging, traffic is often synonymous with revenue. Without a steady influx of visitors, your business prospects could dwindle.
However, numerous blogs flounder because they doubt their ability to attract significant traffic. I advocate the contrary.
Throughout my extensive blogging tenure, I've unearthed a few effective techniques. Not only do they work, but they also channel a volume of traffic to your blog that feels almost effortlessly acquired.
Today, I'm eager to impart some of these strategies to you.
If you've encountered challenges in attracting ample visitors, this post is tailored for you. The strategies are straightforward to grasp and won't strain your budget.
Here are my top 8 preferred techniques to enhance your blog traffic promptly.
Discover how I achieved 195,013 monthly visitors employing these 8 approaches.

Host a Contest: Engage Your Audience with Excitement

Everybody loves a good competition, right? That thrilling sensation in the pit of your stomach, the anticipation of a grand victory – it's a universal joy. Hosting a contest is a fantastic way to draw in traffic, but it's crucial to do it right.
Selecting the type of competition is key, as it directly influences the level of engagement. Should participants merely provide their email address, or do you want them to craft a 100-word story? Remember, the more effort required, the fewer participants you'll attract. Asking for a 10-minute video to win a book might deter potential entrants.
Opt for a platform that facilitates easy sharing on social media. Rafflecopter is a great choice for this purpose. Its user-friendly interface encourages participants to spread the word effortlessly. The more accessible it is for people to share the contest, the wider your reach.
In conclusion, when executed thoughtfully, hosting a contest can be a powerful tool to boost traffic and create excitement. Just strike the right balance between engagement and ease of participation, and watch your audience grow!

Registering on Rafflecopter is a straightforward process. You can establish a contest that effectively enhances your blog traffic within a matter of minutes.
1.Go to

2. Click on the big blue button “Try Rafflecopter today.”

3. If you want to test the free version, you have to click on “Sign Up for Free”.

4. Then fill out the form.

5. Click on “New Giveaway” on the left.

6. Click on the “Add a Prize”.


7. Choose your price and a photo.

8. Then select the conditions of participation and set start and end date.


9. Then scroll down, find the big blue button and click on “Preview & Install”.



10. You will receive an embed code that you can post at the giveaway on your blog. You can even share the competition on Facebook to attract even more attention


Secondly, it is crucial to determine the prize you plan to offer. Opt for a reward that aligns with the interests of your audience, avoiding generic choices like an iPad, which may not be well-received. 

Instead, select a prize that resonates within your specific niche. A case in point is Intel's recent giveaway of gaming rigs and VR headsets, tailored to cater to their target audience's preferences.

This gift is tailored perfectly for Intel's target demographic, appealing specifically to technology enthusiasts and gamers. Opting for a prize like money or an iPad would not have garnered as much participation.
It's crucial to select a gift that resonates with your audience, ensuring high engagement and deterring potential scammers. Offering a prize aligned with your target group's interests helps maintain genuine interest and participation.
Additionally, encourage participants to share your contest, utilizing tools like Rafflecopter, which rewards extra gifts for sharing on social media. This step is pivotal for the competition's success as increased shares lead to broader reach, leveraging the multiplier effect and attracting more participants.

Arrange an Interview with an Industry Expert

Individuals generally appreciate being interviewed and, given the availability of time, are likely to be willing to assist you. While securing an interview with someone as prominent as Tim Ferriss may be challenging, there are ample opportunities to interview influencers within your specific industry.
The most straightforward approach often yields the best results: simply ask. If you regularly follow a blog or podcast that frequently features interviews, reach out and inquire about the possibility of being included.

Smart Blogger provides excellent templates that you can utilize to request interviews, streamlining the process.

This approach is effective because it is direct, transparent, and authentic. Avoiding unnecessary complexity and jargon, it becomes simpler to secure an interview by establishing a genuine connection.
Increasing your chances of landing an interview is facilitated by actively engaging with the individuals you wish to interview. Subscribe to their newsletters, follow them on social media, and strive to interact with them regularly. While not everyone may resonate with your efforts, consistent engagement will likely lead to conversations with some of the top experts in your industry.
Drawing from my own experience of conducting numerous interviews and being interviewed, the outcomes in terms of increased traffic and heightened brand recognition have been consistently remarkable across the board.

Secure a Feature

Kevin Lavelle took a chance by purchasing a podcast ad for his company, Mizzen+Main, on The Tim Ferriss Show, uncertain of its profitability. However, the impact was extraordinary, with Mizzen+Main experiencing a significant boost (dubbed the "Tim Ferriss Effect" by Kevin).
While not everyone may have the resources to advertise on Tim's podcast, there are still avenues to capture the attention of experts, regardless of your blog's popularity. One approach is to leverage platforms like HARO (Help A Reporter Out) if you aspire to be featured.

HARO offers compelling requests from reporters seeking assistance for their articles. By providing valuable input, your contributions have the potential to be incorporated into their work.

A comprehensive guide is available to elucidate the functioning of HARO.

Additionally, exploring industry podcasts can prove beneficial, as many are actively seeking individuals for interviews. My own experience includes being interviewed for podcasts like "The Top" by Nathan Latka, significantly enhancing my visibility within the industry.

Certain podcast platforms provide the opportunity to nominate individuals, including yourself, for featured interviews. 
An example is the Built To Sell podcast, which has a dedicated nomination page for this purpose.

In the absence of a nomination page on a podcast, utilizing the contact form is a straightforward alternative.
 It's important not to be disheartened by rejection; persistence is key. Throughout my career, I've encountered numerous rejections, but with perseverance, you'll eventually secure your spot in the spotlight.


Contribute Guest Articles to Esteemed Blogs

Beyond featuring experts on your own blog, you can also gain exposure by being introduced on blogs curated by experts. Guest blogging proves to be an effective strategy, especially if you're new to your industry and seeking increased attention. This approach not only extends the reach of your content to a fresh audience but also provides a valuable backlink to your site.
To begin, identify relevant blogs by employing specific Google search techniques with niche keywords. For instance, if your focus is on "architecture," input the following query into Google:

Then you get a nice list of architecture blogs that accept guest posts.

There are various search strategies for finding relevant blogs, and Brian Dean of Backlinko has compiled an extensive list of over 40 search terms you can employ.
Once you've identified potential blogs, the next step is to submit a guest post. As mentioned earlier, taking the time to read the blog is beneficial, or at the very least, familiarize yourself with its content and audience. Crafting an irresistible pitch is crucial, emphasizing personal and honest communication over unnecessary jargon. Successful guest blogging often involves presenting compelling ideas, which can lead to securing a post on an expert blog.
It's important to note that guest blogging is a long-term strategy, and immediate returns may not be guaranteed. Nevertheless, it remains one of the most effective strategies on this list when used judiciously.

It links to this blog post:

Despite the tweet being shared on January 20th, the underlying post was initially published on December 2nd, making it nearly two months old at the time of the tweet.
For evergreen content, the publication date becomes less crucial. In fact, you can continue to share evergreen content even if it was written years ago. Consider the potential: by consistently sharing a piece of content across all your social media platforms throughout the year, you stand to generate substantial traffic.
When applied to multiple pieces of content, this strategy becomes a robust method for maximizing the value of your existing content. If your content remains relevant over time, the practice of regular sharing is a reliable way to continually derive value from it.

Craft Engaging Infographics

Infographics have maintained their popularity for several years and are likely to remain a favored content format. At Kissmetrics, we achieved impressive results, garnering over 2 million visitors and 41,000 backlinks using just 47 infographics. Additionally, these infographics proved highly effective on social media.
However, it's not merely about presenting facts in a visually appealing design. The key is to create infographics that resonate with your audience.
Start by sourcing credible information. Examining industry blogs for the facts they share can be a valuable approach, allowing you to leverage the same reputable sources.
Once you have your information, creating an infographic is made easy with tools like Canva, enabling you to design visually appealing and engaging infographics on your own.

If you lack confidence in your design skills, consider hiring a professional designer. Platforms like Dribbble and Behance offer a pool of talented designers to choose from.
After creating your infographic, the promotion is crucial. Beyond sharing it on social media, consider submitting your infographics to directories specialized in showcasing such content. Platforms like provide an avenue for increased visibility and reach for your infographic.


Host a Webinar

Webinars stand out as one of my preferred content formats. They are highly beneficial, relatively easy to execute, and have the potential to generate substantial traffic.
I currently have a webinar that is proving to be a significant source of traffic for me.
People have a natural inclination to enjoy learning, especially when it's offered for free. This is precisely what a well-executed webinar can provide. To create a compelling webinar, consider the following crucial steps:
Start by selecting a topic that you are thoroughly familiar with. It's essential to be an expert on the chosen subject, and your audience should perceive you as such.
For those who may not be widely recognized, providing a brief bio introduces you and establishes your credibility. Even if you're already well-known, including a short bio is a wise practice.
An illustrative example is the joint webinar conducted by HubSpot and Dropbox, where these principles were applied.

Secondly, meticulously plan your webinar content. Aim for concise yet informative slides, incorporating bullet points, brief sentences, and multimedia elements such as infographics, statistics, charts, and videos.
To create the slides without incurring additional costs, consider utilizing tools like Google Slides.

Moreover, you can use Google Hangouts to host your webinar at no cost. The added benefit is that your Hangout session is automatically saved as a YouTube video, allowing for multiple shares.
When planning your content, ensure there's a compelling hook to capture audience interest. For instance, rather than a generic title like "Landing Page Basics," opt for something more engaging like "5 Ways to Improve Your Landing Page Today."
Convincing people of the value of your content is crucial.
Next, actively promote your webinar across all your social media platforms. Encourage friends and acquaintances to share it as well.
Finally, go live! Experiencing a bit of stage fright is entirely normal (it took me a while to get used to webinars too).
Webinars serve as a potent tool for driving traffic. If conducted regularly, webinars offer a straightforward and effective means to boost blog traffic.


Launch a Podcast

Podcasts are currently gaining immense popularity, functioning as bite-sized webinars that people find highly appealing.
Having my own podcast has been a pleasant surprise in terms of results. It serves as an excellent traffic source, allowing me to connect with an audience I might not have reached through other content channels.
To tap into the enthusiasm for podcasts, consider launching your own. To embark on this venture successfully, follow these steps:
Begin with a compelling idea. Given the vast array of podcasts covering every imaginable topic, you need to identify what makes yours unique. Take inspiration from podcasts like "No Such Thing As A Fish," where episodes such as "No Such Thing As Chariots In Space" add a distinctive and intriguing touch.

Distinguishing yourself from the crowd requires bringing your unique perspective to the podcasting landscape.
Recording your podcast is the next step, and for more information, you can refer to AVADO's guide.
After recording, upload your podcast to platforms like SoundCloud and Stitcher. A podcast that delivers exceptional content with a captivating perspective has the potential to attract significant traffic.


In conclusion, these 8 tips for increasing blog traffic may not be groundbreaking, but their effectiveness surpasses expectations.
Having personally employed all 8 strategies, I can attest to their efficacy in driving blog traffic. Implementing these approaches should help you attract a substantial number of visitors to your blog.
Getting traffic doesn't have to be an arduous task; understanding your audience's preferences and catering to them is key.
However, always prioritize the delivery of valuable content. Audiences can discern quality, and sharing subpar content will be evident to them. Conversely, with dedicated efforts to provide top-notch content, you can retain and engage your visitors.
Here's a challenge for you: Choose one of the strategies mentioned above and put it to the test next month. You've got this!

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