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22 Google Ad Types: A Quick Dive

  • 08 Mar, 2024
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In today's digital age, advertising is all about reaching the right audience at the right time, and Google Ads has become a powerhouse in the online advertising realm.


In today's digital age, advertising is all about reaching the right audience at the right time, and Google Ads has become a powerhouse in the online advertising realm. With numerous ad types at your disposal, Google Ads empowers businesses to craft highly targeted campaigns that resonate with potential customers.

Search Ads

Google's Search Ads are among the most recognizable and widely used ad types. They appear when users search for specific keywords on Google's search engine. There are three primary types:

  1. Traditional Search Ads: These are text-based ads that appear above or below organic search results. Advertisers bid on keywords to trigger their ads when users search for relevant terms.
  2. Dynamic Search Ads: These ads automatically generate headlines and landing pages based on the content of your website. They're a time-saving option for businesses with extensive online content.
  3. Call-Only Ads: Ideal for businesses that prioritize phone calls, these ads focus on driving users to call your business directly from the search results.

Search Ads are effective for capturing users actively searching for products or services.

Next, we'll explore the world of Display Ads.

Display Ads

Display Ads, also known as banner ads, provide businesses with visual ways to reach their audience across the Google Display Network. These ads can take various forms, including images and interactive media.

  1. Responsive Display Ads: These adaptive ads automatically adjust their size, appearance, and format to fit available ad spaces. They can reach users on websites, apps, and even Gmail.
  2. Image Ads: Image-based ads allow you to convey your message through compelling visuals. They can appear on websites within the Google Display Network that match your targeting criteria.
  3. Gmail Ads: Gmail Ads are displayed within the Promotions and Social tabs of users' Gmail accounts. They can feature images, videos, and customizable calls to action.

Display Ads are excellent for raising brand awareness and engaging users visually.


Now, let's move on to explore Video Ads.

Video Ads

Video Ads are a dynamic way to engage your audience through visual storytelling. They're particularly effective on YouTube, which is the second-largest search engine globally. Here are some key Video Ad types:

  1. TrueView Ads: These skippable ads appear before, during, or after YouTube videos. You only pay when viewers watch at least 30 seconds or interact with your ad.
  2. Bumper Ads: Bumper Ads are short, non-skippable ads that last for up to 6 seconds. They are great for delivering concise messages and increasing brand visibility.
  3. Outstream Ads: These ads are designed for mobile devices and tablets. They can appear on partner websites and apps within the Google Display Network.

Video Ads are a powerful tool for businesses aiming to capture their audience's attention through sight and sound.

Moving on, let's delve into Shopping Ads.

Shopping Ads

If you're an e-commerce business, Shopping Ads are your best friend. They showcase your products, along with their images, prices, and store names, directly within search results. Here are two primary types:

  1. Product Shopping Ads: These ads display a single product or a group of related products. They are highly visual and feature essential product information.
  2. Showcase Shopping Ads: Showcase Ads let you group related products and create a more immersive shopping experience. When users click on the ad, they see an array of your products.

Shopping Ads are a game-changer for online retailers looking to boost their visibility and sales.

Now, we'll explore App Promotion Ads.

App Promotion Ads

If you have a mobile app, App Promotion Ads can help drive installs and engagement. They come in various formats, such as:

  1. Mobile App Installs: These ads encourage users to install your app directly from the ad. They can appear on Google Search, Google Play, YouTube, and more.
  2. Mobile App Engagement: Once users have your app, you can re-engage them with relevant content, promotions, or reminders.

App Promotion Ads are vital for businesses seeking to expand their mobile app user base.

Next, let's discuss Local Ads.

Local Ads

Local Ads aim to drive foot traffic to physical stores or local service areas. Google offers several options, including:

  1. Local Search Ads: These ads appear when users search for businesses or services near their location. They often feature essential details like directions and phone numbers.
  2. Local Service Ads: These are designed for service providers such as plumbers, electricians, and locksmiths. They help users find and contact local professionals quickly.

Local Ads are a must for brick-and-mortar businesses wanting to attract nearby customers.

Moving on, we have Smart Campaigns.

Smart Campaigns

Smart Campaigns are Google's simplified advertising solution for small businesses. They are designed to be user-friendly and effective, focusing on automation and ease of use.

  1. Smart Shopping Campaigns: These use automated bidding and ad placement to promote products across Google's networks. They're ideal for e-commerce businesses with diverse product catalogs.
  2. Smart Display Campaigns: Smart Display Ads automatically create and optimize ads, making them a hassle-free option for businesses new to online advertising.

Smart Campaigns are perfect for businesses with limited time and resources for campaign management.

Discovery Ads

Discovery Ads are a versatile ad type that appears across various Google platforms, such as YouTube, Gmail, and the Discover feed. They're designed to capture users' attention as they explore content that aligns with their interests.

High-Quality Imagery: Discovery Ads use visually striking images to engage users. It's essential to use high-quality and attention-grabbing visuals that resonate with your target audience.

  1. Targeting Options: These ads offer precise targeting options, allowing you to reach users based on their interests, behaviors, and online activity. This level of personalization increases the chances of connecting with users genuinely interested in your offerings.
  2. Interactive Format: Discovery Ads provide an interactive experience. Users can swipe through a carousel of images and click to explore more about your products or services.
  3. Ad Placement: They appear seamlessly within users' content feeds, making them less disruptive and more engaging.
  5. Automated Bidding: Utilize Google's machine learning algorithms for automated bidding strategies to maximize your ad's performance.

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads, also known as retargeting ads, are a powerful way to re-engage users who have previously interacted with your website or app but didn't convert. These ads allow you to remind them of your products or services, increasing the chances of conversion.

Audience Segmentation: Remarketing ads enable you to segment your audience based on their past actions. For example, you can create lists for users who visited a specific product page or abandoned their shopping carts.

  1. Personalized Messaging: Tailor your ad messaging to match the user's previous interactions. Highlight the products or services they showed interest in, making the ad more relevant.
  2. Cross-Device Remarketing: With the proliferation of devices, cross-device remarketing ensures that users see your ads on various platforms, including mobile, desktop, and tablets.
  3. Dynamic Remarketing: For e-commerce businesses, dynamic remarketing allows you to show users the exact products they viewed on your site. This level of personalization can significantly boost conversion rates.
  4. Frequency Capping: To avoid overwhelming users with your ads, you can set frequency caps, limiting the number of times a user sees your remarketing ads.

Call Tracking Ads

Call tracking ads are designed to drive phone calls to your business. They are especially effective for service-based industries like healthcare, insurance, and local businesses.

  1. Phone Number Display: These ads prominently display your phone number, making it easy for potential customers to contact you directly.
  2. Click-to-Call: Users can click on the phone number in the ad, initiating a call instantly from their mobile devices.
  3. Conversion Tracking: Call tracking technology allows you to measure the number of calls generated by your ads, providing valuable data for optimizing your campaigns.
  4. Customizable Hours: You can set specific hours for your call tracking ads to ensure you receive calls when your business is open and ready to assist customers.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are additional pieces of information you can include in your Google Ads to make your ads more informative and engaging. They provide extra value to potential customers and can increase your ad's visibility and click-through rate. Here are some common ad extensions:

  1. Sitelink Extensions: These add extra links to specific pages on your website, helping users find relevant information quickly.
  2. Callout Extensions: They allow you to highlight key benefits or offers in your ad, making it more appealing.
  3. Location Extensions: If you have a physical store, this extension shows your address and a map to help customers find you.
  4. Call Extensions: This adds a clickable phone number to your ad for mobile users.
  5. Structured Snippet Extensions: These highlight specific aspects of your products or services.
  6. Price Extensions: Showcase your product or service prices.

Affiliate Location Ads

Affiliate location ads are a powerful tool for businesses that partner with retailers to sell their products. These ads allow manufacturers or brands to promote their products through local retail partners on Google. When users search for a product, they see the nearest stores where that product is available.

For example, if a smartphone manufacturer partners with local electronics stores, a user searching for that smartphone may see a list of nearby stores that carry it. This benefits both the brand and the retailer by driving foot traffic to physical stores.

Affiliate location ads help bridge the gap between online and offline shopping, providing users with the convenience of online research and the option to make in-store purchases.

Landing Page and Site Link Extensions

Landing page and site link extensions are essential tools in Google Ads for optimizing your ad's performance. Landing page extensions allow you to direct users to specific pages on your website that are relevant to their search queries. This enhances user experience and increases the likelihood of conversions.

On the other hand, site link extensions enable you to showcase additional links below your ad. These links can lead users to various sections of your website, highlighting specific products, services, or promotions. Site links provide users with more options and increase the chances of them finding what they're looking for, ultimately boosting click-through rates and engagement.


By leveraging landing page and site link extensions, you can provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience, driving better results for your Google Ads campaigns.

Ad Customizers

Ad customizers are a powerful feature in Google Ads that allow advertisers to create highly personalized and dynamic ad content. With ad customizers, you can automatically tailor your ad text to match the user's search query, location, device, and more. This level of customization not only improves ad relevance but also enhances click-through rates and conversions.

Ad customizers can be used to insert dynamic elements like countdown timers, real-time inventory levels, and specific pricing information directly into your ads. This real-time information creates a sense of urgency and encourages users to take immediate action.

By implementing ad customizers effectively, advertisers can deliver more relevant and compelling ad experiences, driving better results and maximizing the ROI of their Google Ads campaigns.

Audience Targeting Ads

Audience targeting is a strategic approach in Google Ads that focuses on delivering ads to a specific group of users who are more likely to engage with your content and convert it into customers. With audience targeting, you can define your target audience based on various factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and even their past interactions with your website or app.

This method allows advertisers to create highly personalized ads that resonate with the intended audience. By showing the right message to the right people at the right time, you can significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Whether you're looking to reach new customers, re-engage previous visitors, or nurture existing leads, audience-targeting ads can help you achieve your marketing goals with precision and relevance. It's a vital tool in optimizing your ad spend and driving better results.

Smart Bidding Ads

Smart Bidding is a powerful feature within Google Ads that leverages machine learning to optimize your bidding strategy. It's designed to help you get the most out of your advertising budget by automatically adjusting your bids in real-time based on various signals.

With Smart Bidding, you can set specific campaign objectives, such as maximizing conversions, increasing conversion value, or targeting a specific return on ad spend (ROAS). The system then evaluates numerous factors like user location, device type, time of day, and more to determine the optimal bid for each ad auction.

This automated approach not only saves you time but also enhances the efficiency of your campaigns. Smart Bidding allows your ads to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, ensuring that your budget is invested where it matters most to achieve your desired outcomes. It's a data-driven, intelligent way to maximize the impact of your advertising efforts.

Ad Custom Audiences

Ad Custom Audiences are a strategic tool within Google Ads that enable advertisers to target specific groups of users based on their previous interactions with their website or app. This feature empowers businesses to create highly tailored ad campaigns, ensuring that their ads are shown to individuals who have already expressed interest.

By leveraging Ad Custom Audiences, advertisers can retarget users who have visited their site, made specific purchases, or interacted with their app in various ways. This precise targeting increases the likelihood of conversions and allows advertisers to deliver personalized content and offers to potential customers.


Furthermore, Ad Custom Audiences can help re-engage and nurture existing customer relationships, ultimately driving better ROI and customer loyalty. This feature capitalizes on the principle that users who have already engaged with a brand are more likely to convert, making it a valuable addition to any Google Ads strategy.

Parallel Tracking

Parallel Tracking is a feature in Google Ads designed to enhance the user experience by speeding up the loading time of landing pages. When a user clicks on your ad, parallel tracking sends them directly to your landing page while the tracking process happens separately in the background. This means that visitors can access your site faster, reducing the risk of impatient users bouncing before your page even loads.

For advertisers, parallel tracking offers benefits like more accurate tracking data and improved ad performance. It ensures that users are swiftly directed to your site, making for a smoother and more seamless journey. With today's need for speed and convenience, implementing parallel tracking is a smart move to boost your ad campaigns and customer satisfaction.

Video Action Campaigns

Video Action Campaigns are a specialized type of Google Ads campaign tailored for video content. They aim to drive specific actions from viewers, such as clicks to your website, app installs, or interactions with your YouTube channel. These campaigns use Google's machine learning algorithms to optimize your ad delivery across YouTube and Google video partners, reaching potential customers when they're most likely to take action.

One key feature of Video Action Campaigns is auto-generated video ad variations. Google creates multiple versions of your ad, testing different combinations of images, text, and calls to action to determine which performs best. This automation simplifies the campaign management process and helps you achieve your advertising goals efficiently, making it a valuable tool for video marketers.

Performance Max

Performance Max is a Google Ads campaign type designed to help advertisers maximize their online reach and achieve their specific business goals. It leverages Google's machine learning capabilities to automatically place your ads across various Google platforms, including Search, Display, YouTube, Discover, and Gmail.

What sets Performance Max apart is its ability to optimize ad placements in real time, ensuring that your budget is allocated to the channels and audiences that are most likely to convert. This approach maximizes the efficiency of your ad spend, increases your brand's visibility, and drives valuable actions from potential customers. It's a versatile and powerful tool for advertisers looking to achieve peak performance across the Google ecosystem.


In conclusion, Google Ads offers a diverse array of ad types, each tailored to specific marketing objectives. From Search Ads that target user intent to Display Ads for brand exposure, and from Shopping Ads for e-commerce success to Video and Discovery Ads for engaging visuals, Google Ads has something for every advertiser.

Remarketing Ads help re-engage potential customers, while Call Tracking Ads ensure you don't miss valuable leads. Ad Extensions enhance your ad's appeal, and Smart Bidding optimizes performance. Audience targeting, Performance Max, and other features empower advertisers to reach their goals efficiently.

By understanding and leveraging these 22 Google Ad types, businesses can unlock new dimensions of online advertising success.

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