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Simplified Seo 6 Steps For Effective Website Optimization 2

Simplified SEO: 6 Steps for Effective Website Optimization

  • 02 Apr, 2024
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The buzz around search engine optimization is overwhelming.

Learning it is essential. Having it is crucial. Doing it is a must.

The challenge is that you're uncertain about where to begin, and attempting to "get it right" can be maddening. Keyword densities, backlinks, trustrank, neighborhoods, link architecture — who has the time to manage it all?


The buzz around search engine optimization is overwhelming.

Learning it is essential. Having it is crucial. Doing it is a must.

The challenge is that you're uncertain about where to begin, and attempting to "get it right" can be maddening. Keyword densities, backlinks, trustrank, neighborhoods, link architecture — who has the time to manage it all?

As a marketer, you're not an SEO specialist. There are better things for you to focus on than striving for perfection in SEO.

Let's face it; without investing a substantial amount of time, money, and energy, the chances of ranking for high-traffic keywords are slim.

But here's a secret.

You can achieve results with minimal SEO efforts. Potential leads. Possible customers. Interested individuals.

Indeed, SEO can be effective against the odds. Even if your website is small, you can complete the process in less than an hour.

Here's how:

Target Individuals Actively Seeking You Out



While achieving a top ranking for highly competitive keywords might be challenging, you can position yourself at the forefront of search results for those actively searching for you.

These individuals could have heard about your company and want to contact you, or perhaps they met you at an event and wish to follow up, but misplaced your business card. Alternatively, they might be contemplating a purchase from your product line and seek additional information.

In such scenarios, their Google search won't involve generic keywords but rather focus on you, your company, or your specific product—keywords that are inherently more unique.


For instance, if you're a realtor, ranking for "Charlotte real estate" might be tough, but securing a first-page position for terms like "Hugh Patterson, Charlotte, NC" or "Hugh Patterson Realty, LLC" is more feasible due to their uniqueness.

How can you ensure you're avoiding highly competitive terms?

A quick check takes just a few seconds. Let's delve into how.


Conduct Basic Keyword Research

While SEO specialists utilize sophisticated and costly tools to select and analyze optimal keywords, our focus here isn't on perfection but rather on helping people discover us.

Here's what you can do. If there's a term you believe individuals might use on Google specifically to find you, input it into Google yourself and observe the results.

For popular terms like "Charlotte real estate," you'll notice listings with the exact phrase in the title. They are targeting that specific keyword, and due to its competitiveness, reaching the top of the search results likely required considerable effort.

However, for less competitive phrases, the landscape is different. Type in "Hugh Patterson Realty, LLC," and none of the listings feature those keywords in the title. This indicates that no one is actively targeting those keywords.

These keywords are essentially ripe for the taking. It's probable that a few simple tweaks to your website are all you need to rank for them.

Step #1: Input your main keyword and select "Search."

Step #2: Select "Keyword Ideas" in the left sidebar.

Step #3: Look for Long-Tail Keywords

While ranking at the top for the keyword phrase "content marketing" would be ideal, it's more realistic to initially concentrate on long-tail keywords.

This list contains 419 keywords, with an additional 12,000+ available by clicking the "related" tab. This provides ample options to identify valuable long-tail keywords.

In making selections, consider factors such as volume, CPC, and SD. Opt for keywords with a volume exceeding 1,000, a high CPC (indicative of better conversion rates), and a low SD (search difficulty). This approach enhances your chances of securing a page one ranking and attracting targeted visitors to your website.

Optimize Your Title Tags

What are title tags?

They're the titles of the pages visible at the top of your browser, in the blue area. Despite their seemingly minor role, title tags are among the most crucial factors for SEO.

The straightforward approach to managing title tags is to incorporate one keyword and a few descriptive phrases that convey the page's content. For instance:

  • Homepage: "Hugh Patterson Realty, LLC: Specializing in Serving Buyers in Charlotte, NC"
  • Bio: "Hugh Patterson: Serving Clients in Charlotte, NC for 15 years"
  • Listing: "1234 Sharon Road, Charlotte, NC: Three Bedroom, Two Bath House with Two Car Garage"

Will you attract a large volume of traffic from these keywords?

No, but you significantly improve your chances of appearing in searches for those specific terms. You might be the only website optimizing for them.

Optimize Your File Names

Search engines not only scrutinize your title tags but also pay close attention to the file names of your pages and images.

The optimal way to optimize them is by establishing a theme or focus for each specific page. For instance, if you're aiming to optimize for individuals searching for an employee of your company (let's say, Hugh Patterson), you might name the page "hugh-patterson.html" and have a photo named "hugh-patterson.jpg."

However, keep it concise. A file named "hugh-patterson-realty-charlotte-north-carolina-homes.HTML" may be overly specific, diluting SEO potential, appearing awkward to readers, and becoming nearly impossible for anyone to remember.

Oh, and about those hyphens? Certainly use them. They serve as friendly separators for words in file names, much more effective than conglomerating all the words into one lengthy run-on or using underscores.

Optimize Your Content

Now that you've selected a title tag and file name, incorporate those same words throughout the content of the page.

Maintain a balanced approach; while capturing Google's attention is important, it's equally crucial not to alienate real people. Avoid awkward phrasing and overly aggressive SEO strategies. Instead, seamlessly integrate keywords into the natural language of your page, ensuring a smooth reading experience.

Prime locations to incorporate keywords include headlines and sub-headers. Additionally, sprinkle a few relevant words throughout the rest of your copy.

Don't overlook the importance of using different variations of long-tail keywords in your content. This practice proves beneficial when people search for content similar to yours but don't use the exact focus keyword.

Add Your Meta Tags

The final step involves adding meta tags to your site.

Why does this step come last? Meta tags no longer carry substantial weight with search engines. While beneficial to have, they won't significantly impact your ranking.

However, meta tags can influence your traffic, particularly if you create a compelling meta description. The meta description is the brief text snippet below your link in search results, serving as your initial contact with potential visitors. Crafted for people, not just search engines, it should be interesting, unique, and reader-centric. Incorporate keywords if possible, but prioritize creating a benefit-rich text that prompts readers to think, "Yes! This is exactly what I want!"

You'll be constrained in terms of meta description length, typically around 150 characters. Strive to maximize impact with a concise set of words that pique interest, even without specific SEO phrases.

And after meta tags, you're done.

Conclusion: Isn't There More to SEO Than This?

Yes, indeed, there's a lot more.

A Google search reveals entire books, classes, and home study courses dedicated to SEO, offering hundreds of different strategies to boost your site's search engine traffic. If you have the time and resources, exploring these options could be beneficial.

However, if you're just starting and need to quickly establish a website for visibility, this is the ideal starting point. Completing these six straightforward steps allows you to optimize your site in approximately 5 to 15 minutes per page, without diving into a complex and frustrating SEO learning curve.

While minimal SEO may not flood you with business, it does enable people to find you when actively searching.

And that's undeniably crucial.

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